Discovering Spatial and Temporal Links among RDF Data



This is a webpage for the evaluation of the spatial and temporal extensions of the Silk Framework.

You can read more about Silk on its official webpage.

Download and Install

Silk: Download release 2.6.1 and follow the instructions.

Strabon: Download release 3.2.10 and follow the instructions.

Run the Silk Workbench

Run the Silk Single Machine


Below you can find all the relevant input for reproducing the experiments.


Linkage Rule

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Silk> <Prefixes> <Prefix namespace="" id="rdf"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="dbpedia"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="owl"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="schema"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="rdfs"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="dbpediaowl"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="geo"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="noa"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="corine"></Prefix> <Prefix namespace="" id="gag"></Prefix> </Prefixes> <DataSources> <DataSource type="sparqlEndpoint" id="hcg"> <Param name="pageSize" value="100000"></Param> <Param name="pauseTime" value="0"></Param> <Param name="retryCount" value="10"></Param> <Param name="endpointURI" value="http://localhost:8080/silk_full/Query"></Param> <Param name="retryPause" value="1000"></Param> </DataSource> </DataSources> <Blocking /> <Interlinks> <Interlink id="hotspots-corine_gr"> <LinkType> strdf:intersects </LinkType> <SourceDataset dataSource="hcg" var="s"> <RestrictTo> ?s rdf:type noa:Hotspot. </RestrictTo> </SourceDataset> <TargetDataset dataSource="hcg" var="t"> <RestrictTo> ?t rdf:type corine:Area. ?t corine:hasLandUse ?lu. FILTER (?lu = corine:broadLeavedForest || ?lu = corine:coniferousForest ). </RestrictTo> </TargetDataset> <LinkageRule> <Compare required="true" weight="1" metric="IntersectsMetric" indexing="true"> <TransformInput function="GeometryTransformer"> <Input path="?s/noa:hasGeometry/noa:asWKT" /> </TransformInput> <TransformInput function="GeometryTransformer"> <Input path="?t/corine:hasGeometry/corine:asWKT" /> </TransformInput> <Param name="blockingParameter" value="10.0" /> </Compare> </LinkageRule> <Filter /> <Outputs> <Output type="file"> <Param name="file" value="outputs/HotspotsCorineLinks.nt" /> <Param name="format" value="ntriples" /> </Output> </Outputs> </Interlink> <Interlink id="hotspots-gag"> <LinkType> strdf:intersects </LinkType> <SourceDataset dataSource="hcg" var="s"> <RestrictTo> ?s rdf:type noa:Hotspot. </RestrictTo> </SourceDataset> <TargetDataset dataSource="hcg" var="t"> <RestrictTo> ?t rdf:type gag:Δήμος. </RestrictTo> </TargetDataset> <LinkageRule> <Compare required="true" weight="1" metric="IntersectsMetric" indexing="true"> <TransformInput function="GeometryTransformer"> <Input path="?s/noa:hasGeometry/noa:asWKT" /> </TransformInput> <TransformInput function="GeometryTransformer"> <Input path="?t/gag:hasGeometry/gag:asWKT" /> </TransformInput> <Param name="blockingParameter" value="10.0" /> </Compare> </LinkageRule> <Filter /> <Outputs> <Output type="file"> <Param name="file" value="outputs/HotspotsGagLinks.nt" /> <Param name="format" value="ntriples" /> </Output> </Outputs> </Interlink> </Interlinks> </Silk>

Strabon Queries

PREFIX noa: <> PREFIX corine: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX strdf: <> PREFIX gag: <> PREFIX exp: <> CONSTRUCT {?s strdf:intersects ?t.} WHERE { GRAPH exp:hg{ ?s rdf:type noa:Hotspot. ?s noa:hasGeometry/noa:asWKT ?sg. ?s strdf:hasValidTime ?st. } GRAPH exp:gag{ ?t rdf:type gag:Δήμος. ?t gag:hasGeometry/gag:asWKT ?tg. ?t strdf:hasValidTime ?tt. } FILTER(geof:sfIntersects(?sg, ?tg) && strdf:intersects(?st, ?tt)) } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFIX noa: <> PREFIX corine: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX strdf: <> PREFIX gag: <> PREFIX exp: <> CONSTRUCT {?s strdf:intersects ?t.} WHERE { GRAPH exp:hg{ ?s rdf:type noa:Hotspot. ?s noa:hasGeometry/noa:asWKT ?sg. ?s strdf:hasValidTime ?st. } GRAPH exp:corine{ ?t rdf:type corine:Area. ?t corine:hasLandUse ?lu. FILTER (?lu = corine:broadLeavedForest || ?lu = corine:coniferousForest ). ?t corine:hasGeometry/corine:asWKT ?tg. ?t strdf:hasValidTime ?tt. } FILTER(geof:sfIntersects(?sg, ?tg) && strdf:intersects(?st, ?tt)) }


P. Smeros and M. Koubarakis. Discovering Spatial and Temporal Links among RDF Data. In the WWW2016 Workshop: Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2016). Montréal, Canada. 11 April, 2016. [pdf]